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Tuesday Co-Ed

7v7 Leagues

Soccer Squad - Champs

New Team

Is your team ready to play? Just click below to get us some information about your team like: preferred division, league, jersey color, and team name. Let’s get started!


New Player

New to The Park or the area? Let us help you find a team! Click below to give us a little info so we can help find you a team!

Silverbacks Park Ref

Men’s Open | Competitive Co-Ed | Men’s Over 30 |Men’s Over 40 | Men’s Over 50 | Recreational Co-Ed

LeagueRegistration DeadlineSeason Start Date
Monday: Co-ed, Men’s Open, Over 40Monday, February 2ndMonday, February 10th
Tuesday: Co-EdTuesday, March 25thTuesday, April 1st
Wednesday: Men’s OpenWednesday, March 19thWednesday, March 26th
Wednesday: 5v5 Men’s OpenSaturday, March 19thWednesday, March 26th
Thursday: Over 30, Over 50, Co-EdSaturday, February 19thThursday, February 20th
Saturday Co-Ed (8v8)Saturday, February 1stSaturday, February 8th
Saturday OpenSaturday, Rolling AdmissionSaturday, Register Anytime
Saturday Over 60Saturday, Rolling AdmissionSaturday, Register Anytime

The Winner Circle

What leagues could I play in? We have. . . Co-Ed: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays | Men’s Open: Mondays and Wednesdays | Men’s Over 30: Thursdays | Men’s Over 40: Mondays | Men’s Over 50: Thursdays
How do the leagues work? The leagues run in 9-game seasons. That is 7 regular season games, a semi-final, and a final (if your team makes it). If your team is not in playoffs you will still play your last two games in order to avoid relegation to a lower division.
How do I know if a game is canceled due to weather? The best and quickest way to check on weather delays/cancelations is the weather hotline. (678) 608-0651 Call it at anytime for the current game status. Another way to get weather updates is through email. Game cancelations will be emailed to all players affected (if you are in the DAYSMART system).
How do I see my teams schedule? To see your full season schedule you will need to make an account on DAYSMART, then be added to your teams roster by our league commissioner read full reportwhere to buy replica watcheswallet phone caseelfbarelf bar купить оптомphone case card holder or your team’s captain. Once you are added to the roster you can see the full season schedule, standings for your division, make payments online, and more.

League Description & Rules

  • 9 game seasons
  • All players must register in DaySmart
  • Games are played in two 24 min halves
  • Championship winning teams receive 2 free pitchers of beer, 20 wings (any flavor) and your choice of championship tee shirts or $100 off the next season
  • Shin guards are not required. Feel free to play without them at your own risk
  • Teams must wear matching color uniforms. The league does not provide pennies.
  • Teams can have a minimum of 9 players and maximum of 15
  • Team fees are $949 per 9 game season

New Player Registration

Please include any qualifications you may have or any info that te’lls us about why you’d like to ref at Silverbacks Park.