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Captains: How to edit your roster

Silverbacks Park Captains

We know you’re all still getting use to our upgraded roster rules so here’s a little help building out your rosters. Check it out BEFORE playoffs(;

Inviting Players

  1. On the Dashboard of DaySmart, select the grey “Manage Team” button under the team that you want to add a player to.
  2. This will take you to the team page of that team. You should how see a white box labeled “details.” At the bottom of this box, there should be a grey task bar that shows “RSVP, Message, Invite, etc.”
  3. Click “Invite”
  4. There you can add the email addresses of all the players you want to invite to the roster. They will then be able to fill out their information and create a profile if they do not have one already. (Please have them fill out their name, email, phone number and add a picture of themselves).
  • You can even customize the message to join the team.
  1. Hit “Send” 
  2. If there is no “Invite” button, it is either because your roster size is already at or above the maximum 15 players, or the regular season is over. If the regular season is over and you want to add someone to the roster, you must get management approval.

Removing Players 

  1. From the Dashboard, select “Manage Team” under the team you want to edit.
  2. Select all players you want to remove from the roster by clicking the box to the left of their name.
  3. Hit the red “Drop Selected” button.
  4. All players should have been removed from the roster.

Send THIS LINK to your teams if they don’t know how to pay online!

Please reach out to with any issues or questions!